VIRTIAL EDITION still online | The 90th Annual Robert T. McKee Student Art Exhibition, the longest-running, museum sponsored, student art exhibition in the country has now ended. You can still click here to skip down to view galleries.
Due to the ongoing restrictions relating to COVID-19, the 2021 the exhibition was virtual. In addition to this exciting change, alumni were also included. Haggin Museum was honored to have so many amazing submissions and extends their sincere thanks the students, parents, and teachers who participated.
On average, Haggin receives 1,000 pieces of art chosen by the teachers as the best in their class. This year, parents, students, and teachers had the opportunity to submit the student pieces for inclusion in the online galleries.
This event features the work of student artists from kindergarten through grade 12. The exhibition was first envisioned by founding patron Robert T. McKee, whose goal was to encourage students by providing a public venue for their artwork. All schools in San Joaquin County—public, private, charter, parochial and home-schools—receive invitations to submit their work.
The galleries below are separated by class. Click the hyperlinks below to jump to your desired gallery.
Kindergarten 1st GRADE 2nd GRADE
9th GRADE 10th GRADE 11th GRADE